Friday, August 31, 2012

my Incredible Hulk story  for a movie of a-bomb, the origin of hulk in,,for the leader, and for abomination.

Abomination is killed in a battle with red hulk. Some how, he is reincarnated, but he is not abomination. The new Emil Blonskey was Abomination so long, he freaked that he was now so weak. Desperate for power, he turned to the leader. The Leader offered a deal, that he would give him power if he brought Hulk to him. He gave him a formula that would give him his power and an exclusive invincibility. This changes him into a new Abomination(looks like the Abomination from the comics). Hulk fights him as if he is the normal Abomination, but he seems impossible to beat. The army brings a machine that Bruce Banner tried to use for separating Hulk from himself. They used it to transport Emil's soul into his old body(which was surgically fixed of it's wounds). The procedure worked, and the soulless new Abomination fell apart. Abomination is contained and taken away, as Leader gathers the remains of the new Abomination. After that, the Leader improves the formula, and kidnaps Rick Jones, and injects him with it. But this time, he adds a hypnotizing device. But unfortunately, the device failed on Rick's new form, called A-bomb. This armor plated and blue Abomination beats Leader to the pulp and then escapes. Now, A-bomb is an ally as much as his alter ego, Rick Jones.   

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