links to awesome monster games online for free!

click here to play trap master!
 Play as a giant snail or bug as you fight off people trying to get your treasure cheast.
 I won this game once, and it was awesome! As the may sound funny, but still is the best character.

Click here to play Dark-Soul!
Fight off nightmare monsters!

click for Nightmare-Runner 
 You run as far as you can without getting killed by a monster.

Monster Evolution the game
You begin with an option of monsters, and you go on a rampage of eating people and crushing helicopters and tanks. As you go on, you can evolve into a new series and so on.

play effing worms
Play as a giant worm and eat people. Get as much food as you can, before you die of hunger(that comes very fast).

play effing worms 2
You play a more advanced version of effing worms. It kind of the same, but I like it better because you can steer easier.

play rampage 
Play as giant monsters, George the gorilla, and lizzie the lizard monster.

play Alien Hominid 
Kill the men in black as an alien.

play Aliens(the xenomorph version) 
Play Aliens, based on the alien series. It is a board game, so you have your turns, the aliens have theirs.

play Alien vs Predator 
Stay alive as long as possible as a predator that is killing alien hoards until he finally dies.

alien vs predator combat evolved 
A game related to rampage, but you play as a huge alien or predator.

play hotwheels t-rex rampage 
Play as a race car and run from the dinosaur, or be the dinosaur and destroy buildings for pizza. Like effing worms, you must get pizza or you die of hunger.


play godzilla the series monster wars
Play as the American version of Godzilla, and destroy the army.

play godzilla: monster of monsters
Play an old Nintendo game, as Godzilla you fight off other monsters. Guys, if you know how to play this, please notify me!

play monster attack 
play as Godzilla and kill people with your fire breath!

play I Am Godzilla Hacked
Play as Godzilla and smash people. As a final battle, you fight robot spider machines!

play ravage
play as several monsters in an edited version of rampage.

play Godzilla
as a space ship, blast king ghidorahs and other random things in space bubbles. Then finally fight the boss, Godzilla!

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